Sarath Kumar is producing as well as acting in movie 1977, being produced under his home banner. 1977 has two heroines; Namitha, who will be a lawyer, and Farzana, who will be a journo.Speaking about the film, Sarath Kumar said, "I have acted with Namitha in quite a few films before. She is acting as an advocate, but at the same time she has plenty of room to flaunt her glamorous image. The film will be released in Telugu and Tamil and also some foreign languages."
Close on the heels of ‘Nam Nadu’, Sarath Kumar has commenced shooting to complete ‘Vaitheeswaran’, expected for a release this Deepavali. By the end of this year, the actor will commence his next venture titled ‘1977′. Touted to be an action-packed thriller, the movie features Sarath Kumar in the role of a detective.He is doing research on how a detective would look and doing his get-up accordingly.
Sarath Upset with NamithaSarath Kumar, president of Nadigar Sangam, is reportedly very upset with Namitha. The shooting of Sarath's home production '1977' was in progress on the 8th floor of AVM studios last week. Sarath, with his make-up on, was awaiting Namitha's arrival for the shoot. Minutes dragged by and there was no sign of Namitha.When Sarath finally called her up over phone, Namitha reportedly told him that she was not feeling well. The same thing happened on the succeeding day too. An irritated Sarath sent his men to Namitha's residence to know what was cooking. The men couldn't find Namitha at her house and traced her to see if she was admitted to any hospital nearby due to her 'illness'.
How is NAMITA madam? Madam feeling O.K ?
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